About Us

The Good Education Group is an Australian-based private company.

Our mission is to be the leading independent provider of high-quality resources that empower generations of students to achieve their goals.

We do this by providing accessible and innovative information and analysis that:

  • enables students, families and other key influencers to guide and make informed decisions about education and career pathways
  • allows education providers, regulators, policy makers and other organisations to better assess and tailor their offerings and related services to the needs of students and interested parties.

We are passionate education experts and look forward to working with you to achieve this mission.

Our products include:

To find out more about the Good Education Group's products and services, visit our online bookshop.

For further information about the Good Education Group and our products and services, please contact the following:

Product purchase
Phone: 1800 682 133 (Australia only)
Web: www.GoodEducationBookshop.com

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If you would like to update your free school profile and contact details, please send an email to the GSG Support Team, Publishing Department, via info@goodeducation.com.au

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