At school and beyond

School gateEnrolling in government secondary schools

Local enrolment

Comprehensive government schools are open to any student who lives in the catchment area. All students are entitled to a place in their local government high school. A student's residential address determines whether a school is local or not. Note that some schools are very stricly zoned and require families to produce proof that they live in the local area. For more information, contact individual schools.

Out-of-area enrolment

Parents who want to enrol their child at a government school in another area will be asked to give reasons for their preference and will be considered for any vacancies that arise. Contact schools directly to discuss your options.

Enrolling in non-government schools

Catholic and church-affiliated schools

Catholic schools have much the same open policy as government schools for students of the Catholic faith. Under certain circumstances they will admit some non-Catholic students. Some other church-affiliated schools admit students from any religious or secular background, but families must be able to pay the fees and other expenses, which can be greater than those at Catholic schools. For enrolment enquiries, contact schools directly.

Independent schools

Non-affiliated independent schools usually accept applications for enrolment at least 18 months before the proposed start date. It is recommended that you contact your preferred school for further information as early as possible competition for places can be tough, with some high-demand schools recommending that parents put their child on a waiting list at birth. Parents may be required to pay application or enrolment fees, and sometimes both. Application fees range from around $50 to $400, while enrolment fees can be as high as $2000. Check with schools before submitting applications. Some have very specific enrolment procedures, including set intake years and admission exams. Note that zoning restrictions do not apply in the independent sector.

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