Choosing a high school

When choosing a high school for your child, there are a number of things to take into consideration. A safe and happy learning environment that encourages both emotional and intellectual growth is a priority for most parents. It is also important that a school is able to meet any special needs or interests your child may have — be they academic, sporting or otherwise. The Good Schools Guide provides a good starting place when researching potential schools. You can read about schools in your area by looking at our school profiles, which contain information about a school’s characteristics, academic performance, fees and curriculum.

This section covers:

Government schools

For moreinformation about government schooling, visit the education department websitein your state.

·Australian CapitalTerritory: Education and Training Directorate

·New South Wales: Department of Education (NSW)

·NorthernTerritory: Department of Education (NT)

·Queensland: Department of Education and Training (QLD)

·South Australia: Department for Education and Child Development

·Tasmania: Department of Education (TAS)

·Victoria: Department of Education and Training (VIC)

·Western Australia:Department of Education (WA)

Catholic schools

For moreinformation about Catholic schooling, visit the relevant association website inyour state.

·Australian CapitalTerritory: Catholic Schools NSW/ACT

·New South Wales: Catholic Schools NSW/ACT

·NorthernTerritory: Catholic Education Office Northern Territory

·Queensland: Queensland Catholic Education Commission

·South Australia: Catholic Education South Australia

·Tasmania: Tasmanian Catholic Education Office

·Victoria: Catholic Education Melbourne

·Western Australia:Catholic Education Western Australia


For moreinformation about independent schooling, visit the relevant association websitein your state.

·Australian CapitalTerritory: Association of Independent Schools of the ACT

·New South Wales: Association of Independent Schools of NSW

·NorthernTerritory: Association of Independent Schools of the Northern Territory

·Queensland: Independent Schools Queensland

·South Australia: Association of Independent Schools of SA

·Tasmania: Independent Schools Tasmania

·Victoria: Independent Schools Victoria

·Western Australia:Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia

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