Lauriston Girls' School

Lauriston Girls' School

Armadale VIC, Melbourne Southern Suburbs & Western Port

At Lauriston, we inspire strong, courageous, adaptable young women, who are open-minded and critical thinkers. Our girls are well equipped to face the challenges of tomorrow and seize opportunities to drive change.

More than a school, Lauriston is an inclusive community with world-class educators, a diverse curriculum, partnerships with global and local universities and co-curricular programs designed to produce true global citizens.

A holistic focus on wellbeing

From the ‘care, share and respect’ ethos practised in Junior School to the buddy and tutor mentor programs in Senior School, a girl’s wellbeing is underpinned by Lauriston’s whole of school program, SHINE. Standing for ‘Strength, Health, Inspiring, Nurturing and Engagement’, it is aimed at developing a girl’s confidence in daily life and beyond.

A world-class team of educators

Passionate, experienced and highly skilled, our educators enjoy a professional development program that keeps them at the leading edge of teaching practices.

Differentiating their teaching according to the needs and identities of each student, our educators support each student’s overall wellbeing, while helping them achieve their full academic potential.

An abundance of opportunity

Lauriston delivers a breadth of choice, with electives and co-curricular activities available from Prep to Year 12. There are more than 20 co-curricular activities in Junior School and this menu only expands in Senior School.

A choice of pathways

We are one of few all-girls schools to offer both IB and VCE streams in Years 11 and 12, giving our girls the freedom to choose how they best want to learn.

Year 9 done differently

Howqua is unique to Lauriston; a transformative Year 9 program designed to test resilience and courage, build self-confidence and hone her leadership skills. Girls return to the Armadale campus in Year 10 more adaptable and collaborative, exuding a confidence and maturity that sees them thrive in Senior School. Our Howqua Outdoor Program was awarded “Best Co-Curricular Program” at the 2023 Australian Education Awards.

A focus on our digital future

At Lauriston, confidence in STEM-related subjects begins building in Kindergarten. Our Digital Fabrication Lab – developed with Stanford University Graduate School of Education – along with a focus on fun activities such as robotics and design thinking, help students expand their capabilities and interests from an early age.

An inspirational environment

Awarded the Best Co-Curricular Program at the 2023 Australian Education Awards, Year 9 students live and learn on our Howqua campus in high country Victoria. Boasting a 5-star sustainability rating reflective of its spectacular natural surroundings, lessons range from art held in the outdoor classroom to science taught on the banks of the Howqua River. At the Armadale campus an Adventure Playground, the Ullmer Sports & Wellbeing Centre and the Years 5/6 Centre are now operational. Coming soon with reimagined classrooms and play spaces is our new co-educational early learning centre, located at our Blairholme campus.


CRICOS No. 00152F

Key Facts

School uniform

The uniform is compulsory

Gender in depth

Female: 100%

Male: 0%

Other Requirements

Boarding school

Offers IB

Accepts international students

Offers VCE VM

Offers VET

Our Curriculum

Subjects Overview

Math classes: vertical and mixed
English classes: mixed
LOTE taught:
Chinese, English as a second language, French, Spanish

Senior secondary subjects overview

33 VCE level 3/4 studies
153 VCE students

Senior secondary programs overview

5 VET program(s) available
5 VET students

How our students performed in Year 12

Academic Results

Scores of 40+: 20%

Median Score: 35

Satisfactory completions of VCE: 100%

Satisfactory completions of VET: 74%


Bachelor enrolled: 92%

Apprentice/Trainee: 3%

Activities & Support Staff

Accelerated learning

Accelerated learning (3)


Activities (1)


Music (14)


Sports (47)

Support Staff

Support Staff (70)

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School Details







Principal: Ms Susan Just


38 Huntingtower Rd Armadale Victoria 3143

450 Howqua River Road Mansfield Victoria 3722

Tel: 03 9864 7555

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