Lauriston Girls' School

Lauriston Girls' School

Armadale VIC, Melbourne Southern Suburbs & Western Port

Location & Directions

Armadale Campus 38 Huntingtower Rd Armadale Victoria 3143
Howqua 450 Howqua River Road Mansfield Victoria 3722

Lauriston Girls' School Bus Routes

Waverley Bus

Lauriston students in years 5 to 12 can easily travel from VermontSouth and Waverley areas daily via our school bus service

From postcode - suburbTo campus
3147 - Ashburton Armadale Campus Timetable
3149 - Mount waverley Armadale Campus Timetable
3150 - Wheelers hill Armadale Campus Timetable
3150 - Glen waverley Armadale Campus Timetable
3133 - Vermont south Armadale Campus Timetable


This bus service is operated by Lauriston Girls’ School inconjunction with St Catherine’s School. The service providesan easy travel solution for Lauriston students in Years 5 to12 travelling from Caulfield, Brighton, Hampton andSandringham areas.

From postcode - suburbTo campus
3444 - Lauriston Armadale Campus Timetable
3162 - Caulfield Armadale Campus Timetable
3186 - Brighton Armadale Campus Timetable
2790 - Hampton Armadale Campus Timetable
2219 - Sandringham Armadale Campus Timetable

Williamstown / Port Melbourne

This bus service is operated by Lauriston Girls’ School inconjunction with St Catherine’s School. The service provides aneasy travel solution for Lauriston students in Years 5 to 12travelling from Williamstown and Port Melbourne

From postcode - suburbTo campus
3182 - St kilda west Armadale Campus Timetable
3206 - Middle park Armadale Campus Timetable
3206 - Albert park Armadale Campus Timetable
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School Details







Principal: Ms Susan Just


38 Huntingtower Rd Armadale Victoria 3143

450 Howqua River Road Mansfield Victoria 3722

Tel: 03 9864 7555

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