St Margaret's Anglican Girls School

St Margaret's Anglican Girls School

Ascot QLD

St Margaret's primary school provides quality learning experiences for girls from Pre-Prep to Year 6 and boys in Pre-Prep. The primary school is a community of learners that fosters relationships with parents, students and staff. Students are encouraged to be responsible, take initiative and be an active participant in their educative journey. We strive for a seamless and continuous curriculum, with programs designed to specifically suit the needs of students at St Margaret's. Learning at St Margaret's acknowledges the principles of personalised learning. It accepts individual differences and focuses on the development of the whole child as an intellectual, physical, spiritual, social and emotional being.

Throughout the primary years, and especially in the earlier years, particular attention is devoted to literacy and numeracy – the foundation of many learning outcomes encountered in later life. Students participate in a comprehensive and balanced curriculum, drawing on the following subject areas: mathematics, English, science, history, geography, health and physical education, the arts (music and visual art), modern languages (French and Mandarin), STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), and religion and values education. The arts and modern languages are taught by specialist teachers.


Key Facts

School uniform

The uniform is compulsory

Gender in depth

Female: 100%

Male: 0%

Other Requirements

Boarding school

Offers IB

Accepts international students

Our Curriculum

Subjects Overview

LOTE taught:
Chinese, English as a second language, French, Mandarin

Activities & Support Staff

Accelerated learning

Accelerated learning (3)


Activities (11)


Extra-curricular (6)


Music (12)


Sports (18)

Support Staff

Support Staff (7)

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School Details









Principal: Mrs Ros Curtis


11 Petrie Street Ascot Queensland 4007

Tel: (07) 3862 0777

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