Ashwood High School
Ashwood VIC, Melbourne Eastern Suburbs
Ashwood High School is a Coeducation secondary school, serving years 7-12. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Ashwood High School is located in VIC, Melbourne Eastern Suburbs region. Ashwood High School is 1 of 226 government schools in the Ashwood area.
Key Facts
School uniform

The uniform is compulsory
Gender in depth

Female: 48%
Male: 52%
Other Requirements
Boarding school
Offers IB
Accepts international students
Offers VCE VM
Offers VET
Our Curriculum
Subjects Overview

Math classes: vertical and mixed
English classes: mixed
LOTE taught:
Chinese, French
Senior secondary subjects overview

47 VCE level 3/4 studies
165 VCE students
Senior secondary programs overview

22 VET program(s) available
44 VET students
VCE VM Available
How our students performed in Year 12
Academic Results
Scores of 40+: 8%
Median Score: 31
Satisfactory completions of VCE: 99%
Satisfactory completions of VET: 79%
Bachelor enrolled: 86%
TAFE/VET enrolled: 7%
Activities & Support Staff

Accelerated learning (8)
- Accelerated Classes
- Accelerated Maths
- Ace Program
- Advance
- Enrichment Activities
- Enrichment Program
- Extension And Enrichment Program
- High Achievers

Activities (82)

Academic Assistance/Student Support
- Peer Support
- Study Skills
- Transition Programs
- V.C.E. Tutoring

- Annual Art Show
- Art Exhibition
- Art Festival
- Art Prize
- Art Production
- Art/Craft Exhibition
- Art/Technology Exhibition
- Arts Festival
- Arts Show
- Dance
- Dance Performances
- Drama
- Drama Festivals
- Drama Performances
- Drama Tuition
- Music concerts
- Performing Arts Festival
- Performing Arts Program
- Public Speaking
- Speech and Drama Tuition
- Technical Crew
- Theatre Production
- Theatre sports

- Awards Evening
- Awards Night
- General Excellence

Career Development
- Captains
- House Captains
- Leadership
- Leadership Activities
- Leadership Program
- Student Leadership
- Student Leadership Program Y7-12
- Student Representative Council

- Academic Competitions
- Art Competitions
- English Competition
- Math Talent Quiz
- Science Talent Quest

- International Student Program
- Multicultural Events

- Ball
- Debating Club
- Exhibitions
- Formal Ball
- Information Evenings
- Presentation Ball
- Speech Night
- Valedictory Dinner
- Year 10 Formal Dinner
- Year 10 Social

- Camps
- Sister School Program
- Year 7-10 Camps
- After School Homework Assistance Program

Sport, Leisure and Health
- Athletics Carnival
- City To Surf
- First Aid

- Digital Sequencing And Recording
- Film And Television Production
- Movie Making
- Multi Media Production
- Robotics
- Tv Studio
- Video And Film Making
- Web Page Design

Vocational programs
- Cooking
- Vcal Program
- Vegetable Garden
- VET Program
- Woodwork

Volunteering/community service
- Environmental Action Group
- Prefects
- Rotary Interact
- Rotary Interview Evening
- Student Council
- Youth Voice

Extra-curricular (16)
- After School Enrichment Program
- After-School Extension Program
- Amateur Radio
- Breakfast Club
- Breakfast Program
- Debating
- Holiday Program
- Homework Club
- Lunchtime Clubs
- Magazine Committee
- Publishing Group
- Star Club
- Student Focus Group
- Student Radio
- Surfing
- Yoga

Music (45)
- Bands
- Capella group
- Clarinet ensemble
- Concert orchestra
- Drum ensemble
- Ensemble
- Flute ensemble
- Guitar ensemble
- Instrumental ensemble
- Jazz Ensemble
- Orchestra
- Percussion ensemble
- Rock
- Senior Vocal Ensemble
- String ensemble
- String orchestras
- Wind ensemble
- Woodwind ensemble
- Concert
- Performance
- Production
- School musicals
- Bass guitar
- Brass
- Cello
- Clarinet
- Drum
- Electric bass
- Flute
- Guitar
- Instrument
- Keyboard
- Percussion
- Piano
- Saxophone
- String
- Viola
- Violin
- Wind
- Woodwind
Music theory
- Music lessons
- Music theory
- Sound recording studio
- Choirs
- Vocal

Sports (63)

Ball sports
- Basketball
- Handball
- Netball
- Volleyball

Bat, stick and racquet
- Badminton
- Baseball
- Cricket
- Hockey
- Indoor cricket
- Indoor hockey
- Lacrosse
- Softball
- Softcrosse
- Squash
- Table tennis
- Tennis

- Bike Riding
- Cycling
- Mountain biking

- Abseiling
- Indoor rock climbing
- Rock climbing

- Fitness classes

- Australian Rules Football
- Football (other)
- Futsal
- Indoor soccer
- International rules football
- Rugby league
- Rugby union
- Soccer

- Aerobics
- Aqua aerobics
- Gymnastics
- Trampolining

Martial arts
- Fencing
- Martial arts (other)
- Tai chi

- Dance sport
- Pilates

- Orienteering

Other sports
- Roller blading/Roller skating

- Cross country running
- Running (for exercise)

Snow sports
- Snow boarding
- Snow skiing

Target sports
- Bowling
- Golf
- Lawn bowls
- Tenpin bowling

Track and field
- Athletics
- Javelin
- Triathlons

- Bush walking
- Walking (for exercise)

Water sports
- Canoeing
- Kayaking
- Platform diving
- Rafting
- Springboard diving
- Swimming
- Water polo

Weight training
- Weightlifting

Support Staff (51)
Academic support
- Academic Extension Support Teacher
- Disability Support Aides
- Individual Learning Mentors
- Laboratory Technician
- Literacy Support
- Numeracy Support
- Performance Coordinator
- Remedial Support Teacher
- Teachers' Assistant
Administrative staff
- Business Manager
- House Coordinator
- House System
- Mip Coordinator
Career guidance
- Managed Individual Pathways (Mip) Advisor
- Pathways And Transition Coordinator
- Pathways Facilitator
- VCAL Coordinator
- VET Coordinators
- VET/Pathways Coordinator
- VET/VCE Coordinator
- Vocational Education-Assessors And Trainers
- Canteen Manager
- First Aid Officer
- Health And Safety Officer
- Health Promotion Nurse
- Home Economics Assistant
- Occupational Health And Safety Officer
- Sport Coordinator
International student support
- ESL Support Teacher/School Officer
- Integration Aides
- Integration Coordinator
- Integration Staff
- International Student Coordinator
- International Student Support Aide
- Multicultural Aide
- Translators
- Computer Technician
- ICT Technician
Social support
- Youth Worker
Specialist support
- Instrumental Music Teachers
- Outdoor Education Specialists
- Specialist Coaching
- Specialist Teachers
- Careers Counsellor
- Chaplain/Religious Advisor
- Peer Support Coordinator
- Psychologist
- School Counsellors
- Social Worker/Welfare Officer
- Student Welfare Coordinator
- VET Counsellor
- Accelerated Classes
- Accelerated Maths
- Ace Program
- Advance
- Enrichment Activities
- Enrichment Program
- Extension And Enrichment Program
- High Achievers

Academic Assistance/Student Support
- Peer Support
- Study Skills
- Transition Programs
- V.C.E. Tutoring

- Annual Art Show
- Art Exhibition
- Art Festival
- Art Prize
- Art Production
- Art/Craft Exhibition
- Art/Technology Exhibition
- Arts Festival
- Arts Show
- Dance
- Dance Performances
- Drama
- Drama Festivals
- Drama Performances
- Drama Tuition
- Music concerts
- Performing Arts Festival
- Performing Arts Program
- Public Speaking
- Speech and Drama Tuition
- Technical Crew
- Theatre Production
- Theatre sports

- Awards Evening
- Awards Night
- General Excellence

Career Development
- Captains
- House Captains
- Leadership
- Leadership Activities
- Leadership Program
- Student Leadership
- Student Leadership Program Y7-12
- Student Representative Council

- Academic Competitions
- Art Competitions
- English Competition
- Math Talent Quiz
- Science Talent Quest

- International Student Program
- Multicultural Events

- Ball
- Debating Club
- Exhibitions
- Formal Ball
- Information Evenings
- Presentation Ball
- Speech Night
- Valedictory Dinner
- Year 10 Formal Dinner
- Year 10 Social

- Camps
- Sister School Program
- Year 7-10 Camps
- After School Homework Assistance Program

Sport, Leisure and Health
- Athletics Carnival
- City To Surf
- First Aid

- Digital Sequencing And Recording
- Film And Television Production
- Movie Making
- Multi Media Production
- Robotics
- Tv Studio
- Video And Film Making
- Web Page Design

Vocational programs
- Cooking
- Vcal Program
- Vegetable Garden
- VET Program
- Woodwork

Volunteering/community service
- Environmental Action Group
- Prefects
- Rotary Interact
- Rotary Interview Evening
- Student Council
- Youth Voice
- After School Enrichment Program
- After-School Extension Program
- Amateur Radio
- Breakfast Club
- Breakfast Program
- Debating
- Holiday Program
- Homework Club
- Lunchtime Clubs
- Magazine Committee
- Publishing Group
- Star Club
- Student Focus Group
- Student Radio
- Surfing
- Yoga
- Bands
- Capella group
- Clarinet ensemble
- Concert orchestra
- Drum ensemble
- Ensemble
- Flute ensemble
- Guitar ensemble
- Instrumental ensemble
- Jazz Ensemble
- Orchestra
- Percussion ensemble
- Rock
- Senior Vocal Ensemble
- String ensemble
- String orchestras
- Wind ensemble
- Woodwind ensemble
- Concert
- Performance
- Production
- School musicals
- Bass guitar
- Brass
- Cello
- Clarinet
- Drum
- Electric bass
- Flute
- Guitar
- Instrument
- Keyboard
- Percussion
- Piano
- Saxophone
- String
- Viola
- Violin
- Wind
- Woodwind
Music theory
- Music lessons
- Music theory
- Sound recording studio
- Choirs
- Vocal

Ball sports
- Basketball
- Handball
- Netball
- Volleyball

Bat, stick and racquet
- Badminton
- Baseball
- Cricket
- Hockey
- Indoor cricket
- Indoor hockey
- Lacrosse
- Softball
- Softcrosse
- Squash
- Table tennis
- Tennis

- Bike Riding
- Cycling
- Mountain biking

- Abseiling
- Indoor rock climbing
- Rock climbing

- Fitness classes

- Australian Rules Football
- Football (other)
- Futsal
- Indoor soccer
- International rules football
- Rugby league
- Rugby union
- Soccer

- Aerobics
- Aqua aerobics
- Gymnastics
- Trampolining

Martial arts
- Fencing
- Martial arts (other)
- Tai chi

- Dance sport
- Pilates

- Orienteering

Other sports
- Roller blading/Roller skating

- Cross country running
- Running (for exercise)

Snow sports
- Snow boarding
- Snow skiing

Target sports
- Bowling
- Golf
- Lawn bowls
- Tenpin bowling

Track and field
- Athletics
- Javelin
- Triathlons

- Bush walking
- Walking (for exercise)

Water sports
- Canoeing
- Kayaking
- Platform diving
- Rafting
- Springboard diving
- Swimming
- Water polo

Weight training
- Weightlifting
Academic support
- Academic Extension Support Teacher
- Disability Support Aides
- Individual Learning Mentors
- Laboratory Technician
- Literacy Support
- Numeracy Support
- Performance Coordinator
- Remedial Support Teacher
- Teachers' Assistant
Administrative staff
- Business Manager
- House Coordinator
- House System
- Mip Coordinator
Career guidance
- Managed Individual Pathways (Mip) Advisor
- Pathways And Transition Coordinator
- Pathways Facilitator
- VCAL Coordinator
- VET Coordinators
- VET/Pathways Coordinator
- VET/VCE Coordinator
- Vocational Education-Assessors And Trainers
- Canteen Manager
- First Aid Officer
- Health And Safety Officer
- Health Promotion Nurse
- Home Economics Assistant
- Occupational Health And Safety Officer
- Sport Coordinator
International student support
- ESL Support Teacher/School Officer
- Integration Aides
- Integration Coordinator
- Integration Staff
- International Student Coordinator
- International Student Support Aide
- Multicultural Aide
- Translators
- Computer Technician
- ICT Technician
Social support
- Youth Worker
Specialist support
- Instrumental Music Teachers
- Outdoor Education Specialists
- Specialist Coaching
- Specialist Teachers
- Careers Counsellor
- Chaplain/Religious Advisor
- Peer Support Coordinator
- Psychologist
- School Counsellors
- Social Worker/Welfare Officer
- Student Welfare Coordinator
- VET Counsellor
Request Information Update




Principal: Mr Brett Moore
50 Vannam Dr Ashwood Victoria 3147
Tel: (03) 9807 1333
Please fill out the form below to contact the school directly.