Salesian College Rupertswood
Sunbury VIC, Melbourne Metropolitan
Salesian College Rupertswood is a Coeducation secondary school, serving years 7-12. The uniform is compulsory and enforced. Salesian College Rupertswood is located in VIC, Melbourne Western Suburbs region. Salesian College Rupertswood is 1 of 79 catholic schools in the Sunbury area.
Key Facts
School uniform

The uniform is compulsory
Gender in depth

Female: 46%
Male: 54%
Other Requirements
Boarding school
Offers IB
Accepts international students
Offers VCE VM
Offers VET
Our Curriculum
Subjects Overview

Math classes: mixed
English classes: mixed
LOTE taught:
Italian, Japanese
Senior secondary subjects overview

61 VCE level 3/4 studies
339 VCE students
Senior secondary programs overview

31 VET program(s) available
197 VET students
VCE VM Available
How our students performed in Year 12
Academic Results
Scores of 40+: 1%
Median Score: 27
Satisfactory completions of VCE: 99%
Satisfactory completions of VET: 76%
Activities & Support Staff

Activities (3)

- Dance
- Public Speaking
- After School Homework Assistance Program

Extra-curricular (13)
- Adventure Activities
- Chess Club
- Debating
- Games (Board) Club
- Hiking
- Homework Club
- Life Skills
- Light Weight Camping
- Lunchtime Craft Group
- Magazine Committee
- Politics
- Student Action Team
- Surfing

Music (30)
- Bands
- Choral ensemble
- Ensemble
- Instrumental ensemble
- Orchestra
- Senior Vocal Ensemble
- String ensemble
- Concert
- Musical competitions
- Performance
- Production
- School musicals
- Soiree
- Bass guitar
- Brass
- Drum
- Electric bass
- Flute
- Guitar
- Instrument
- Keyboard
- Percussion
- Piano
- Saxophone
- String
- Violin
Music theory
- Music composition
- Music theory
- Choirs
- Vocal

Sports (55)

Ball sports
- Basketball
- Handball
- Netball
- Volleyball

Bat, stick and racquet
- Badminton
- Bat tennis
- Cricket
- Hockey
- Indoor cricket
- Lacrosse
- Softball
- Softcrosse
- Table tennis
- Tee ball
- Tennis

- Bike Riding
- Cycling

- Abseiling
- Rock climbing

Equine sports
- Equestrian activities
- Horse riding

- Circuits
- Fitness classes

- Australian Rules Football
- Football (other)
- Futsal
- Gaelic football
- Indoor soccer
- Soccer
- Touch football

- Aqua aerobics

- Dance sport

- Orienteering

- Cross country running
- Running (for exercise)

Snow sports
- Cross country skiing
- Ice or snow sport (other)
- Ice skating
- Snow boarding
- Snow skiing

Target sports
- Archery
- Golf

Track and field
- Athletics
- Javelin

- Bush walking
- Walking (for exercise)

Water sports
- Canoeing
- Kayaking
- Royal lifesaving
- Snorkelling
- Swimming
- White water rafting

Weight training
- Gym classes
- Gym workouts
- Weight training

Support Staff (74)
Academic support
- Agriculture/Horticulture Support
- Art Support
- Classroom Support
- Education Support Teachers
- Laboratory Technician
- Learning Enhancement Coordinator
- Learning Enrichment Mentor
- Learning Support Teacher
- Librarian
- Library Support
- Literacy & Numeracy Intervention Yr 7
- Literacy Aide
- Literacy And Numeracy Coordinator
- Literacy Support
- Mathematician
- Wood And Metals Technology Support
Administrative staff
- Attendance Officer
- Business Manager
- Camp Coordinator
- Director Of Programmes
- Facilities Manager
- Groundsman
- House Coordinator
- House System
- Maintenance Staff
- Middle Years Coordinator
- NET/VCE Coordinator
Career guidance
- Apprenticeships Coordinator
- Career Teacher
- Development Officer
- Jobs Pathway Coordinator
- Pathways Facilitator
- Uniform Shop
- VCAL Coordinator
- VET/VCE Coordinator
- Work Place Learning Coordinator
- First Aid Officer
- Food Technology Technicians
- Nurse
- Occupational Health And Safety Officer
- Sport Coordinator
- Sport Support Staff
International student support
- Integration Aides
- Language Assistant
- Lote Conversation Aide
- Audio Visual Technician
- AV/IT Technician
- Computer Manager
- E-Learning Coordinator
- Faith Development Coordinator
- ICT Support Manager
- ICT Technician
- Science Technician
Social support
- Community Development Worker
- Family Liaison
- Home Liaison Officer
- Recreational Activities Coordinator
- Youth Worker, School Based
Specialist support
- Choir And Voice Production Teacher
- Dance Performance Coordinator
- Director Of Music
- Drama Coordinator
- Instrumental Music Teachers
- Careers Counsellor
- Chaplain/Religious Advisor
- Counsellors
- Director Of Student Services
- Managed Individual Pathways Counsellor
- Pastoral Care
- Pastoral Care Coordinator
- School Counsellors
- Social Worker/Welfare Officer
- Student Services Officer
- Student Welfare Counsellors

- Dance
- Public Speaking
- After School Homework Assistance Program
- Adventure Activities
- Chess Club
- Debating
- Games (Board) Club
- Hiking
- Homework Club
- Life Skills
- Light Weight Camping
- Lunchtime Craft Group
- Magazine Committee
- Politics
- Student Action Team
- Surfing
- Bands
- Choral ensemble
- Ensemble
- Instrumental ensemble
- Orchestra
- Senior Vocal Ensemble
- String ensemble
- Concert
- Musical competitions
- Performance
- Production
- School musicals
- Soiree
- Bass guitar
- Brass
- Drum
- Electric bass
- Flute
- Guitar
- Instrument
- Keyboard
- Percussion
- Piano
- Saxophone
- String
- Violin
Music theory
- Music composition
- Music theory
- Choirs
- Vocal

Ball sports
- Basketball
- Handball
- Netball
- Volleyball

Bat, stick and racquet
- Badminton
- Bat tennis
- Cricket
- Hockey
- Indoor cricket
- Lacrosse
- Softball
- Softcrosse
- Table tennis
- Tee ball
- Tennis

- Bike Riding
- Cycling

- Abseiling
- Rock climbing

Equine sports
- Equestrian activities
- Horse riding

- Circuits
- Fitness classes

- Australian Rules Football
- Football (other)
- Futsal
- Gaelic football
- Indoor soccer
- Soccer
- Touch football

- Aqua aerobics

- Dance sport

- Orienteering

- Cross country running
- Running (for exercise)

Snow sports
- Cross country skiing
- Ice or snow sport (other)
- Ice skating
- Snow boarding
- Snow skiing

Target sports
- Archery
- Golf

Track and field
- Athletics
- Javelin

- Bush walking
- Walking (for exercise)

Water sports
- Canoeing
- Kayaking
- Royal lifesaving
- Snorkelling
- Swimming
- White water rafting

Weight training
- Gym classes
- Gym workouts
- Weight training
Academic support
- Agriculture/Horticulture Support
- Art Support
- Classroom Support
- Education Support Teachers
- Laboratory Technician
- Learning Enhancement Coordinator
- Learning Enrichment Mentor
- Learning Support Teacher
- Librarian
- Library Support
- Literacy & Numeracy Intervention Yr 7
- Literacy Aide
- Literacy And Numeracy Coordinator
- Literacy Support
- Mathematician
- Wood And Metals Technology Support
Administrative staff
- Attendance Officer
- Business Manager
- Camp Coordinator
- Director Of Programmes
- Facilities Manager
- Groundsman
- House Coordinator
- House System
- Maintenance Staff
- Middle Years Coordinator
- NET/VCE Coordinator
Career guidance
- Apprenticeships Coordinator
- Career Teacher
- Development Officer
- Jobs Pathway Coordinator
- Pathways Facilitator
- Uniform Shop
- VCAL Coordinator
- VET/VCE Coordinator
- Work Place Learning Coordinator
- First Aid Officer
- Food Technology Technicians
- Nurse
- Occupational Health And Safety Officer
- Sport Coordinator
- Sport Support Staff
International student support
- Integration Aides
- Language Assistant
- Lote Conversation Aide
- Audio Visual Technician
- AV/IT Technician
- Computer Manager
- E-Learning Coordinator
- Faith Development Coordinator
- ICT Support Manager
- ICT Technician
- Science Technician
Social support
- Community Development Worker
- Family Liaison
- Home Liaison Officer
- Recreational Activities Coordinator
- Youth Worker, School Based
Specialist support
- Choir And Voice Production Teacher
- Dance Performance Coordinator
- Director Of Music
- Drama Coordinator
- Instrumental Music Teachers
- Careers Counsellor
- Chaplain/Religious Advisor
- Counsellors
- Director Of Student Services
- Managed Individual Pathways Counsellor
- Pastoral Care
- Pastoral Care Coordinator
- School Counsellors
- Social Worker/Welfare Officer
- Student Services Officer
- Student Welfare Counsellors
Request Information Update




Principal: Mr Mark Brockhus
1 Macedon St Sunbury Victoria 3429
Tel: (03) 9744 0000
Please fill out the form below to contact the school directly.