Understanding the school curriculum in Tasmania, ACT and the NT
Selective or comprehensive?
Gifted and talented streams
Government schools in Tasmania offer extended learningopportunities for gifted students, which are documented in the state’sDepartment of Education Strategic Plan 2014-2017. The Extended Learning Programoutlines procedures for both the Accelerationof Gifted Students and the ExtendedLearning for Gifted Students.
Visit the Departmentof Education website for more information about gifted and talentededucation in Tasmania.
Australian Capital Territory schoolsrun programs for gifted and talented students as part of the standardcurriculum. A number of schools offer specialised courses for students who havea special interest, are well ahead of their peers, or demonstrate talent in aparticular area.
Canberra High School runs the Inspire Program, which caters to the specific needs of giftedand talented students. Upon completion of the multifaceted selection process,students are given extension opportunities via an enriched assessment criteriawhich includes collaboration with an expert teacher and the school’s gifted andtalented coordinator.
Alfred Deakin High School offers the Unicorn Program for arange of different subjects from Year 7 to 10, encompassing English,mathematics, science, HaSS, performing arts, visual arts and physicaleducation.
Thereare also specialised programs at Dickson College and Canberra College, while 58 schools are associated withIMPACT (ACT Instrumental Music Program), which runsclasses at primary and secondary schools throughout the state.
Technical education schooling options
Skills Tasmania is the State Training Authority, responsible for administering skills, training andworkforce development.
The TasmanianTraineeships and Apprenticeships Committee (TTAC) governs theadministration of training contracts in Tasmania. School-based apprenticeshipsand traineeships allow Year 10, 11 and 12 students to undertake a nationallyrecognised qualification while attending school. For more information, visit http://www.skills.tas.gov.au/apprenticeshipstraineeships.
InAustralian Capital Territory, studentscan gain technical skills through a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship,a pre-apprenticeship or a VET industry-specific course.