Tasmanian Certificate of Education

Government schooling in Tasmania offers students an education from four years of age, beginning with kindergarten and progressing through primary school, junior high school and senior high school.

Primary school (K-6)

There is a strong emphasis on literacy, numeracy and IT at Tasmanian Government primary schools. Students ordinarily enrol at the closest government school to their residential address.

High School (Year 7 to 10)

There are a number of compulsory subjects in Year 7 and 8 – mathematics, English, science and humanities – but elective subjects are also available.

In Year 9 and 10, students continue with compulsory studies in mathematics, English, science and humanities but have even greater scope for choosing their own subjects, which could include Drama, Food Technology or Computing and Extended Science.

On-campus English as a Second Language (ESL) tuition is available at every Tasmanian Government Junior High School. 

In the government sector, there are 186 schools and eight senior secondary colleges. 

Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)

To receive the TCE, students must meet four standards: 

everyday adult reading, writing and communication

everyday adult mathematics

everyday adult computer use, including the internet

a set amount of learning (Participation and Achievement). 

In addition, students must have developed a career, education and training plan (Pathway Planning). 

How is the TCE calculated?

The Tasmanian Tertiary Entrance Score (TES) is calculated by adding the best three scores from TASC level 3 courses that were successfully completed in Year 12, together with the next best two courses taken in Year 10, 11 or 12. 

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