Breaking down the curriculum in SA
The SouthAustralian Government recognises four stages of learning:
- Early stage
- Primary years stage
- Middle years stage
- Senior years
Early stage
From birthto age seven, children are in the early stage of learning. This includeschildcare, preschool (kindergarten), reception and Years 1 and 2 of primaryschool. Children can begin preschool at four years of age (Aboriginal childrenat three years), while Reception begins at age five or six. Years 1 and 2 arecommenced at ages six and seven.
The nationalEarly Years Learning Framework guides the learning and development of childrenfrom birthto five years of age. Programs are designed to encouragechildren’s communication, discovery, imagination and creativity.
Primary years stage
The primaryyears stage includes Years 3 to 5 of primary school, covering children agedeight to 10. Students’learning is based on the AustralianCurriculum, with a continued emphasis on literacy and numeracy.
Middle years stage
The middleyears stage of learning includes Years 6 and 7 in primary school and Years 8and 9 in high school. It covers children aged 11 to 14. Unlike in other states,where Year 7 marks the entry into secondary school, South Australian studentscommence high school in Year 8.
Secondary years stage
Students aged 15 to 17 are generally in the secondary years stage of learning,which covers Years 10 to 12 of high school. They may choose to complete Year 12and gain the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), commence othereducation and training options or enter the workforce.
All youngpeople under the age of 17 must attend full-time schooling, training or workfor a minimum of 25 hours per week.