School fees

Parents of high school children in non-government schools are always asked to pay fees and often to contribute to building or development funds. Government schools ask for voluntary contributions. These cost differences are quite significant. Government schools expect parents to contribute between $40 and $2,200, if they can afford it, for students who are completing Year 12. At the other end of the scale, the most expensive private schools charge upwards of $30,000 annually. The least expensive non-government schools (generally Catholic) charge from around $1,200 per annum for Years 7 to 12.


For parents of overseas students who are interested in sending their children to a government school that offers places to overseas students (not all do), the cost of tuition can be obtained from each state's Department of Education website, or in the school profiles using Find a school.

Some schools offer discounted fees if two or more students from the same family attend, and many try to help in cases of financial need, especially for students already enrolled in the school. Catholic schools may admit any child from a Catholic family irrespective of their ability to pay. A number of the newer independent schools allow parents to make up part of their contribution by assisting in running and maintaining the school.

Parents should note that school fees are not tax deductible. Educational services do not attract GST.

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