What are HSC major works, and why do they matter?
What are HSC major works?
HSC major works are assessments for specific year 12 subjects that usually make up a majority of their assessed marks and are completed over the course of the year.
The first type of major are the practical ones. Some subjects include:
Visual Arts (Body of Work)
Drama (individual and group performances). Essentially Drama is considered to be a double major in itself.
Design and Technology (Major Design Project)
Music 1
Textiles and Design
Industrial Media
Software Design and Development
Practical majors always include a portfolio, log book or a process diary that you must work on consistently, to prove to the HSC markers that you actually did the work.
The second type of major are theory based. These usually consists of a huge report, a research paper or a long essay. Some subjects include:
Any language course, and more!
Aboriginal Studies (but can also be practical!)
History Extension
Society & Culture (Personal Interest Project)
Why do they matter?
Not every student chooses subjects that have major works. They can however be very easy to collect, partiuclarly for students who are creative.
Choosing subjects that your kid has an interst in and will enjoy, but taking into consideration how big or little of a workload they are setting themselves up for is important.
With more major works your child will need to be more discplined with planning their time.
Major works are a big committment for a year 12 student but can be very rewarding. Making a careful and considered decision about whether to undertake studying one will help your child know what they need to prepare for and encourage them to take resonsibility for their studies.