How to Help Your Child Decide Which Subjects to Keep and Which to Drop for Year 12

How to Help Your Child Decide Which Subjects to Keep and Which to Drop for Year 12

How to Help Your Child Decide Which Subjects to Keep and Which to Drop for Year 12

As your child approaches their final year of school, deciding which subjects to keep and which to drop for Year 12 becomes a critical decision. This choice can significantly impact their academic performance and future career opportunities. As a parent, your support and guidance are crucial during this time. Here are some strategies to help your child make an informed decision.

Talk to a Career or Subject Advisor

One of the most effective ways to support your child is by encouraging them to speak with a career or subject advisor. These professionals can provide valuable insights into how certain subjects align with your child’s career goals or university aspirations. They can also offer advice on how subject choices might impact ATAR calculations or prerequisites for specific courses. Understanding the long-term implications of their subject choices will help your child make decisions that support their future ambitions.

Discuss Options with Older Students

Encouraging your child to talk to older students who have recently completed Year 12 can provide a practical perspective on subject selection. These students can share their experiences, including the challenges and rewards of particular subjects, study strategies, and how they balanced their workload. Hearing firsthand accounts from peers can help your child gain a realistic understanding of what to expect and how to navigate their final year successfully.

Consider Your Child’s Strengths and Interests

It’s essential to take your child’s strengths and interests into account when helping them decide which subjects to keep. Subjects that align with their natural abilities and passions are more likely to keep them motivated and engaged, which can lead to better academic outcomes. Encourage your child to choose subjects that they enjoy and excel in, as this will not only make Year 12 more manageable but also increase their chances of achieving higher results.

Evaluate Workload and Stress Levels

Year 12 is demanding, and managing workload and stress is critical. Help your child assess the difficulty and workload of their current subjects to ensure they aren’t taking on more than they can handle. Balancing challenging subjects with those that are less demanding can help maintain their well-being throughout the year.


Helping your child decide which subjects to keep and which to drop for Year 12 is a significant responsibility. By encouraging them to seek advice from career advisors, speak with older students, and carefully consider their strengths and interests, you can guide them toward making choices that align with their academic goals and personal well-being. Your support can make a substantial difference in their final year of school, setting the foundation for future success.

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